Ray-Ban Sunglasses: Reservoir Dogs


About the Movie

Films become cult hits for various reasons. Cinematography, Storyline, Music. Some because they manage to resonate with the people (Mean Girls). Others become hits for one very important reason. Style. And we have Ray-Ban sunglasses to thank for that.

One such film is Quentin Tarantino’s very first feature film, Reservoir Dogs.

Tarantino’s independent film details the before and aftermath of a jewel heist gone wrong. The film cemented Tarantino as one of the world’s most graphic directors, with viewers walking out for its hyper-realistic portrayal of violence. It also introduced the world to Mr.White, Mr.Brown, Mr.Orange, Mr.Pink, Mr.Blue, and Mr.Blonde and some pretty memorable eyewear.


The film is certainly one of the best markers of the resurgence of the Ray-Ban brand with each of the main characters wearing a pair of legendary sunglasses in the opening sequence. For the film Mr. Blonde, Mr. White and Mr. Pink were given a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses to complete their black and white ensemble, whilst Mr. Brown was given a pair of the Ray-Ban Predator sunglasses. Mr. Orange wears a pair of Ray-Ban Clubmaster sunglasses.

Tarantino has been quoted as saying that the only brands he’ll reference on camera are Ray-Ban and Zippo. Reservoir dogs really does heavily rely on the cool factor of the Ray-Ban look to add that extra bit of power to the action on screen.

Check out the photos below for a look back at some memorable moments and memorable eyewear from the film. Check out the full collection of Ray-Ban glasses now at SmartBuyGlasses.

Ray-Ban Sunglasses in Reservoir Dogs

Ray-Ban RB2140 Original Wayfarer

Mr. Blonde, Mr. White, and Mr. Pink all sport Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses in the film, although at the time Ray-Ban didn’t put their logo onto the lenses.

Ray-Ban RB2140 Original Wayfarer Ray-Ban RB2140 Original Wayfarer

Ray-Ban Predator

Mr. Brown wears a model that is pretty similar to the current Ray-Ban Predator model.

Ray_Ban_W1847_1353057531 img_19

Ray-Ban Clubmaster

Mr. orange wears the retro Ray-Ban Clubmaster sunglasses at the opening of the film.

Ray-Ban RB3016 Clubmaster-W0365 Ray-Ban RB3016 Clubmaster W0365


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